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Cookies | The Big Egg Hunt

Cookies Cookies


About the cookies we use

The cookies used on are based on the International Chamber of Commerce guide for cookie categories:

  • Strictly necessary
  • Performance
  • Targeting

For more information about cookies, see below.

Strictly necessary

‘Strictly necessary’ cookies are required in order to enable you to access certain pages and assets on the site. These cookies don’t capture any information that could be used for marketing, or remembering where you’ve been on the internet.

We use strictly necessary cookies to…

  • Identify you as having registered to access our downloadable maps


‘Performance’ cookies collect information about how you use our website e.g. which pages you visit, and if you experience any errors. These cookies don’t collect any information that could identify you – all the information collected is anonymous and is only used to help us improve how our website works, understand what interests our users and measure how effective our advertising is.

We use performance cookies to…

  • Provide statistics on how our website is used
  • See how effective our adverts are (we don’t use this information to target adverts to you when you visit other websites)
  • Help us improve the website by measuring any errors that occur
  • Test different designs of our website

Cookies we have defined as performance cookies will NOT be used to…

  • Gather information that could be used to advertise appeals or services to you on other websites
  • Remember your preferences or username beyond your current visit
  • Target adverts to you on any other website

In some cases, some of these cookies are managed for us by third parties, but we don’t allow the third party to use the cookies for any purpose other than those listed above.

Using our site indicates that you accept the use of ‘performance’ cookies.

Accepting these cookies is a condition of using the website, so if you prevent them we cannot guarantee how our site will perform for you.

Here is a list of the cookies we have defined as performance.

  • Google Analytics cookies

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‘Targeting’ cookies are linked to services provided by third parties, such as ‘Like’ buttons and ‘Share’ buttons. The third party provides these services in return for recognising that you have visited our website.

We use ‘targeting’ cookies to…

  • Link to social networks like Facebook, who may subsequently use information about your visit to target advertising to you on other websites
  • You can control whether or not these cookies are used, but preventing them may stop us from offering you some services. All of these cookies are managed by third parties, and you may alternatively use the third parties’ own tools to prevent these cookies.

Here is a list of the cookies we have defined as targeting.


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Further reading

Information about cookies

Useful information about cookies can be found at:

Internet Advertising Bureau

A guide to behavioural advertising and online privacy has been produced by the internet advertising industry which can be found at:

International Chamber of Commerce United Kingdom

Information on the ICC (UK) UK cookie guide can be found on the ICC website section:

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