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Midges Smoking the Air by Paul Westcombe | The Big Egg Hunt

Midges Smoking the Air Midges Smoking the Air Paul Westcombe 68

About the Egg

Paul Westcombe was born in Inverness and studied painting at Grays School of Art, RGU, Aberdeen, and the Royal College of Art, London.

Paul’s recent work deals with the fantasy worlds of the imagination and human desire as a means of alleviating boredom and confinement (a project he started to relieve the tedium of 12-hour shifts working as a car park attendant).

His exhibitions include, ‘Just Food for the Midgies’ (Jerwood Café, 2009), ‘The Symbols Pursue Me’ (The Liverpool Biennial, 2010) and his work was included in the ‘London Open’ (Whitechapel Gallery, 2012). In addition his work is also in the Saatchi collection and is due to be part of the forthcoming show ‘Paper’.

He was awarded The Royal Scottish Academy William Littlejohn Award 2011 and the HI-Arts Development Award 2011.


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