Thank you to our sponsors
Action for Children would like to say a big THANK YOU to our Eggs-cellent sponsors and partners. Without them we would not have been able to bring you this amazing event.
A special thanks to Lindt and the Lindt Gold Bunny for joining the hunt as our headline sponsor. Thanks also to our location sponsor, Network Rail, and to the official carrier of the eggs, Fedex. Finally, a big thank you to our media partner, Metro newspaper.
Find out more about their involvement below.
Action for Children
Established in 1869, Action for Children is committed to helping the most vulnerable and neglected children in the UK. Working directly with more than 250,000 children, young people and their carers each year, we run over 600 services which tackle abuse, neglect, help young carers and provide fostering and adoption services.More >
Lindt believes in the magic of families, which is why the Lindt Gold Bunny is proud to join Action for Children in The Big Egg Hunt and support the great work they do to improve the lives of children and families in the UK.More >
Our Sponsors